Introducing: Exposures & Holdings

Since the beginning of Funportal 2 years ago, Edgefolio has always allowed you to share rich, interactive information on your fund in an instant. We now introduce our newest feature – Exposures and Holdings

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Information Vs Wisdom

Many investors today focus the bulk of their attention on gathering information and data when it comes to manager assessment. From reading through documentation to the analysis of performance, investors certainly have their work cut out. But is this approach solid, or is it just scratching the surface?

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‘Edgefolio Spotlight’ – Angus Cameron, PCS Capital

Edgefolio has started a new initiative and want to feature some of you in a series of interviews. It will be known as: “Edgefolio Spotlight”. This week we introduce Angus Cameron from PCS Capital.

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Fundportal Updated – Streamlining user flow

We understand marketing your fund is hard, so we’ve been steadily improving FundPortal to make things easier. For this batch of updates, we’ve been paying particular attention to streamline how FundPortal integrates with your existing workflows.

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The Road to $1bn AUM: “Making it Big” Survey

The research examines big managers’ path to growth, providing a roadmap for all emerging and start-up managers as they make their way to $1bn AUM.

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What happened in September? Edgefolio’s update and point of view for the world

Read about what’s been going on behind the scenes at Edgefolio during September. From awards to feature updates – we give you a short overview of what we have been getting on with during this month’s newsletter.

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Edgefolio announces The Guardian Multi-Family Office as their newest client!

We are very excited to announce that The Guardian Multi-Family Office is Edgefolio’s newest client, opening a new market in New Zealand.

The Auckland-based boutique, independently-owned wealth management and financial advisory firm, will be utilizing Edgefolio’s flagship product, FundPortal to administer market its SICAV Sub-Funds.

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Making it Big Survey: How can you reach 1bn AUM? (teaser)

Our collaborative research with AIMA and GPP, “Making it Big” provides insights from larger, more established managers who blazed a trail in building a billion-dollar hedge fund business. The research examines their path to growth, providing a road map for all emerging and start-up managers.

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Which of your Prospects is most likely to invest in your fund? Now you can find out in a glance.

Presenting: Engagement level of your prospects!

– We have all the data, how can we use it in the most efficient way?
– Is there a way to know who is a ‘hot’ prospect?
– I have more than 2000 Investors in my database, how can I prioritize? 
– If I had time to focus only on  2 prospects, who should they be?

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